General & Family Dentistry
- Complete Dental Exam, Checkups, and Cleanings
- Oral Cancer Screening
- Dentures, Partial Dentures
- Crowns and Bridges
- Oral Surgery/Extractions/Implant Consultations
- Custom Night Guards and Mouthguards
- Laser Pain Therapy Management

Holistic & Integrative Dentistry
- S.M.A.R.T. Certified Safe Mercury Amalgam Removals
- Oxygen – OZONE Therapy
- Mercury-Free Dentistry – Composite/BPA-Free Fillings
- Laser Tongue Tie Treatment
- All Ceramic/Porcelain Metal-Free Crowns and Veneers
- Fluoride-Free Options
- Modern Digital X-Ray Technology
- Oral Probiotics & Oil Pulling
Cosmetic Dentistry
- Laser Teeth Whitening
- ClearCorrect/Clear Braces
- Xeomin Wrinkle Treatments
- Smile Makeover
- Custom Night Guards and Mouthguards

Mercury-Free Dentistry
Balanced Dental is 100% mercury-free. We follow a rigorous safety protocol to safely remove amalgam fillings and replace them with safer options. Dr. Jackson is S.M.A.R.T. Certified through the IAOMT.
Preventive dentistry is essential for reducing the risk of serious and costly dental procedures throughout your lifetime. At Balanced Dental, we educate our patients on the importance of proper oral hygiene techniques, healthy diet, and the importance of maintaining regular dental visits as recommended by Dr. Jackson.
What is Amalgam?
Traditionally called “silver fillings,” dental amalgams are a combination of metals that include silver, mercury, tin and sometimes lesser amounts of zinc, indium or palladium. All dental amalgams contain 45-55% elemental mercury.

Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics
Some of us will experience tooth loss that may be due to decay, periodontal disease, or trauma. The good news is that at Balanced Dental, we have solutions to replace your missing teeth for every lifestyle and budget.

The advent of implant has dramatically changed dentistry for the better. With implants, we are able to provide stable, long-term results for multiple situations in the mouth.

Over the course of his career, Dr. Jackson has become skilled in providing functional and aesthetic restorative outcomes. Here at Balanced Dental

Oral Surgery
Our goal at Balanced Dental is to provide our patients with the resources to create a healthy oral condition and maintain dentition.

Dental Emergencies
Preventive dentistry is essential for reducing the risk of serious and costly dental procedures throughout your lifetime. At Balanced Dental, we educate our patients on the importance of proper oral hygiene techniques.